Some Essays
Telehealth Technology Taught Me to Be a Better Doctor
The New York Times
What Doctors Like Me Know About Americans’ Health Care Anger
The New York Times
A Daring Approach to Mental Illness
The New York Times
America Is Doubling Down on Sewer Surveillance
The Atlantic
The Big #MeToo Moment for Doctors Is Finally Here
The New York Times
In the E.R., Violence Comes With the Job
The New York Times
Plagues have always engineered history, but we can change that
The Washington Post
The trouble with punishing health-care workers who make mistakes
The Washington Post
Healthy young people are grabbing vaccine doses. It looks unfair. It’s fine.
The Washington Post Sunday Outlook
At the Front Lines of Coronavirus, Turning to Social Media
The New York Times
Choosing to Be Vulnerable With My Patients
The New York Times Sunday Review
My Patient’s Sisters
The New York Times
A Transgender Learning Gap in the Emergency Room
The New York Times
At the Frontline of the Opioid Epidemic, but Unable to Help
The New York Times
Seeking Painkillers in the Emergency Room
The New York Times
The Cultural Contours of Saving a Life
The New York Times
A Shot Against Malaria
The New Yorker
How to make it easier for health workers to volunteer in crises
The Los Angeles Times
Sound alarm on health risks
The Philadelphia Inquirer
The Doctor is In: Why J. Colby Smith is the Best Piercer in New York
Brooklyn Magazine
A Mostly Quiet Car
The New York Times Metropolitan Diary